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NEW: C5 LGM Longtube Header Install
The headers are a full 32” True Long Tube header that has been dubbed, "The most powerful C5 header on the Planet”! This header includes a complete header with a 3/8” flange and incorporates a “Race Style Merge Collector”, to a full 3” X pipe, and continues in 3” right up to the original 2 bolt muffler flanges. This makes this a full bolt on application that requires NO cutting or welding, and leaves the factory system completely intact incase you ever want to easily put the car back to stock. (C5) More...
 Est 3-8hours
LGM Wilwood C5 Front Brake Package
For C5 Corvette enthusiasts looking for more stopping power either at the track or on the street, Wilwood has the solution. In this install I'll put on a pair of of huge 6 piston Wilwood calipers and some nice 2 piece wilwood rotors from LGM on the front of a C5. Not only does it look amazing, it performs. (C5) More...
 224078 viewsEst 2-6hours
Meziere LS1 Electric Water Pump (C5 Version)
For years talk of electric water pumps had been circulating through the LS1 community, and finally Meziere has delivered. Whether you are a hard core drag racer who wants to just cool the car in the pits and staging lanes, an enthusiast who's itching for more power from his heads/cam car, or just a basic bolt on type of guy, an electric water pump is probably for you. (C5) More...
 227141 viewsEst 1-6hours
Did you know?
C5 Corvettes use transverse (side to side) leaf style suspension springs. The springs are made of fiberglass to save weight.
F-Body Cam and Valvespring Swap
By far, one of the best mods you can possibly ever do to your LS1/LS6 is to install an aftermarket camshaft in it. Here I go through the whole process of selecting and installing an aftermarket camshaft, along with the various valvetrain upgrades that are required. Frequently asked cam related questions are also answered. (F-Body) More...
 2317150 viewsEst 3-12 hours
LS1 Head Swap
Finally I dug in and did a headswap on an LS1. This turned out to be VERY easy, but a lot of work. I strongly recommend you have a helper during this install, and all the recommended tools listed on the page. Anybody that can turn a wrench (and not get frustrated when something goes wrong) can do this install no problem. (F-Body) More...
 659518 viewsEst 8-12 hours (1 hour additional if doing a cam swap)
Infopic: F-body Mac headers vs Fbody FLP headers
This picture shows the difference between the longtube FLP headers and the midlength MAC headers. The collector inner diameter is noted as well.

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Intake mods. Shows how to install a K&N filter, aftermarket lid and MAF sensor. This is the first mod every F-Body LS1 owner should do. Very easy to install (nothing more than a screwdriver needed!) and provided quite a noticable difference in performance. (F-Body) More...
 222233 viewsEst 30 minutes
Valentine One Hardwire
Instructions on hardwiring your Valentine One radar detector into your car. This modification makes the radar detector only power on when the car is on, and keeps both cigarette lighter sockets free. I have yet to get a ticket since my Valentine one has been installed...its excellent! (F-Body) More...
 186791 viewsEst 1 hour
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