Now, all that's left is to reverse the procedure above. The spring is symmetrical so it really shouldn't matter which way the spring goes in, but
if in doubt it seems GM always puts the stamped casting number/part # sticker towards the passenger side (facing down). Now, slide in the drivers
side of the spring up into the drivers side A-arm and slide it over until you can get the passengers side of the spring back up into place.
Center the spring as best as possible and start reinstalling the spring mounting brackets. You need to make sure you apply some loctite to the
threads of the spring mounting bracket bolts before you reinstall them. Also, be sure to slowly tighten each side a little bit at a time so you can make
sure the spring is indeed centered on the car as best as possible.
Now that the spring is mounted back up to the crossmember, we can reassemble the passengers side. Use the jack to jack up the A-arm again and reinstall
the bottom two shock mounting bolts. Torque these to 21 lb/ft. Reinstall the 4 upper A-arm bolts (use loctite!) with proper shims in proper order, and torque them
to 48 lb/ft. Lower the jack, and move over to the drivers side.
On the drivers side, we'll do it just like the passengers side. Jack it up, reinstall the shock bolts and reinstall the 4 a-arm bolts/shims.
Now, re-mount the caliper onto the caliper frame and using the crescent wrench to hold the sleeve, torque these bolts (use loctite!) to 23 lb/ft.
Re-attach the ABS wire sensor plug.
Finally, reattach the swaybar endlink and torque the swaybar endlink nut to 53 lb/ft
Lower the car back down and that's it! You're all done!
When you first lower the car you'll notice that it's sitting really high up. Go take it out on a test drive and let the suspension settle first.
If it's still too high, or too low, you can then re-adjust the bolts.
After swapping to Z06 springs, the difference was definitly noticable. It felt like steering response was increased a fair amount and ride quality
didn't really seem to suffer at all. Since I found the springs used off a wrecked car this modification was well worth the money.